Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Rip.  Tear.  Break

“Rip, now that we got um, and we gonna gut um, what else we gonna do with um?  Seems a waste ta jus’ eats um now, yeah?  Why not we ‘ave a little fun with um?”

“Tear is right,”  Break said, “‘e needs a lesson an’ what.”  Break, the smallest of the giants, pointed a wooden spoon, covered in what appeared to be tomato sauce, at Jymgreen.  “‘E’s a fricken monster that one.”

“Okay boy-o’s, but who gonna get the dead one?” Rip asked this politely for a giant, but pointed to himself with a pitchfork he had been using to spear potatoes.  “Seein’ as ‘e’s dead an’ all, I think we jus’ give ‘em to the bigges’ an’ stronges’ of us.”  Rip grinned ear to ear.

Tear, almost as large as Rip, grinned stupidly a moment then said, “An’ mebbe, after you has yer fun Rip, I can has some fun too?”

“That is stupid Tear,” Break shouted, “Rip is gonna jus’ eat the dead one.  No playin’ ‘round at all.  Right Rip? Right?”

Rip just laughed a deep laugh then bared his teeth at his two smaller friends and said, “I be tha bigges’ and tha smartes’ so I gonna do whatev’r I damn well feel like doin’!  Mebbe I will play with ‘im then I eat ‘im.  Mebbe I’ll jus’ let ‘im go.”  Rip paused a moment and shook his head, a faint dark red mist, almost like blood, dribbled from his nostril as the two other giants quickly stood up in unison.

“You can go pinch yerself if ya think we will let ya jus’ let the dead one go.  Go where for craps sake, ‘e’s dead!”  Tear growled as Break continued to talk, “Mebbe, you thinkin’ on turnin’ tale and runnin’ off.  Grabbin’ the loot fer yerself?”

“Lookie boy-o’s I spoke wrong, I dunno why I said dat it jus’ came inta my head.”  Rip yawned and spread his arms wide and continued, “I mus’ be tired, let um stew tonight, ‘nfact let um sit in water wif veggibles.  Nice an’ tasty tomorrah.”  Rip stood, yawned again, and left to nap in his own cave.

“See an’ that is why ‘e gets ta have the dead one ‘imself tomorrah.  Cause he is the bigges’ an’ the smartes’.”

Break and Tear began to turn to their captives when a sound attracted the attention of the giants.  “Hear that Break?  Sounds like we got another one, traps gone off.”  Break nodded in agreement then bent low to the ground to secure their prisoners,when he checked on the corpse, the body was missing.  

“Oh bother, I think Rip already took the body.  Bet ‘e’s havin’ a great time.  Puttin’ it in ‘is little outfits.”  Tear guffawed at the imagery.  

“Hows about I check the trap an’ you get the pot ready.”  Break asked.  Tear agreed readily enough, he had his own plans before readying the stew pot for marinating.

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