Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Seeing that the others had retreated, hopefully to the giants cave, Davien, as Rip, bellowed incoherently in, Break’s, face before continuing to try and choke, Tear, into unconsciousness.  It was immediately apparent to, Davien, that he was outclassed by the pair of giants as, Tear, began fighting back in earnest.

Achieving some leverage, Tear, forced, Rip’s, offending arm from his throat and pushed himself into a roll in order to get away.  Trees buckled and broke with tremendous cracking noises, like peals of thunder, which were created as the trees were destroyed.  Before, Rip, could jump on-top of, Tear, again, Break, began pummeling him in the back with heavy blows.  “Oy!  Ya greedy son-of-a,” Break was interrupted as, Rip, turned with a haymaker to his head causing the smaller giant to crumple down into a pile.

As, Rip, turned he was once again hit in the back, with much more force than, Break, had managed and he was dropped to one knee.  Tear, grabbed a tree while he was down and began attempting to rip it from the earth.  Knowing that, Tear, intended to club him, either into submission or death mattered little, as Davien heard, Break, staggering to his feet with copious grunting.  Davien had only one course of action, let the giant go and fend for itself as he awaited rescue by his mother.  So that is exactly what, Davien, did.  He let go.

A moment later, Rip, stood tall and let loose with a mighty roar.  “Ya want some o’ me, boy-o’s?  Come an’ get it!”  Rip, touched a small medallion around his neck and a glowing suit of armor suddenly surrounded him.  The armor, green in color, seemed to have a mist constantly pouring off of it, which created a cloud around the giants feet.  Rip, was moving his hand to touch something else when a tree, at least as tall as himself, plowed into his side.

A chunk of green disappeared and suddenly the giants green, misty armor looked less impressive.  As that chunk fell it dissolved into just more bits of the cloud that was steadily forming at, Rip’s, feet.  Staggered, but otherwise uninjured, Rip, touched an amulet around his wrist and an instant later a massive flaming sword appeared in his right hand, though it appeared to be intended for two-handed use such was the size of the blades handle.

Looking back at the other two giants, Rip, spoke casually, “Who dies first?”  

Both smaller giants looked at, Rip, and then charged at him.

Chapter 18 eh?

Leira and the dwarves could hear the giants fighting as they approached, Rip’s, cave.  Looking back towards where they had been they could see the fight, if they were inclined to stay and watch.  Which they were not.

“Before we go in,” Leira began to say, when a loud cracking noise erupted from where the giants were fighting, “Never mind, we can discuss it later.”

The dwarves looked to one another and shrugged.  The older dwarf with graying red hair looked at, Leira and said, “Ye can say whatever is on yer mind, lass.  We have all the time in the world.”

“My son, he is not well and I am afraid I cannot move him alone.”

The dwarves all grunted in unison and the black haired dwarf said,”We can get ye and yer son out well enough, if anyone can.”

Leira nodded at them each in unison and gave a quick thank you before striding into the cave, her emotions a mess over the fate of her son.  She was totally surprised to find the goblin sitting beside her son.  “We thought you died.”  Her voice was flat, unaffected save for the frown she gave the goblin afterwards.  “Why did you come here?”

“To have a spot of tea, Leira, what do you think?”  The goblin had apparently found an alchemists traveling lab and had set it up the best he could beside the body of her son.  While nothing was whirring, bubbling, frothing or foaming she was still furious.

“Next time, you stain, you need to tell me what you are doing with my son.”

The dwarves, carefully milling about in the background suddenly whooped with delight.  “The ivory banner of the Stoneshield Clan,” The black haired dwarf said with reverence.  “Lads, look for the armor and weapons.  We found what we came for.”

Looking down at the goblin, Leira, thought for a moment then pointed at her son.  “I think, Rip, dressed my son up in one of your suits.”

“By the gawds, yes he has been, Leira.”  The speaker was the older dwarf with graying red hair.  “Bring him close to the banner, Leira, we can get it set up right quick.”

“Set what up kind dwarf?”  Leira said this with as much politeness as possible.

“Why, the healing, Leira.  This banner protected our best warriors for hundreds of years.  Just watch.”

Chapter 18 Bee

Davien’s, mentor stood silently in the Grayscape, unseen by his pupil and those who stood around him.  The mentor watched as the dwarves retrieved, then set up, their banner.  Healing, he thought with a chuckle.  Then, as soon as the dwarves had finished setting up the banner, he felt a strange prickle of coarse energy flow through him.  A moment later he let out a scream.

The dwarves had a protective magic on the banner and as it flared to life the holy energies seemed to burst forth and sear the mentor even in the Grayscape.  The mentor, screaming uncontrollably, watched in horror as his ephemeral essence caught fire and a voice spoke, in a gravelly tone, “Ye are no longer welcome.”  As the voice finished its statement, the fire began to die away and the pain began to subside, only to be replaced by a steadily encroaching darkness.

“No!”  As the mentors screams faded from the Grayscape unheard by, Leira, and her companions, Davien’s, eyes fluttered open.

Leira, upon seeing her son wake, began to cry.

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